Imagine a world where service members get treated like the athletes they are.  Where the red tape is removed and our heroes get the care they deserve. Imagine a world where injury prevention, wellness and rehabilitation are delivered on site by a movement expert, improving access to care and decreasing costs. Creating a world where you know every service member is physically ready to help you and your family in your time of need. 

This is the world Tactical Athlete Performance & Physical Therapy Specialists brings to reality. Building off of the experiences gained while serving as an Active Duty Physical Therapist in the US Air Force, TAP Physical Therapy was created to continue “Serving Those Who Serve” by bringing the embedded healthcare model that has been so successful in the military to our local police and fire departments. Through a combination of enhancing recovery rates, reducing injury risk, and maximizing performance, we work together to maximize department readiness and ensure long and healthy careers for our service members.

On-Site Specialist Service Offerings

Dr. Nick leading a mobility workshop for fire fighters

On-Site Injury Prevention / Performance Specialist

Bring an on-site Tactical Athlete Performance specialist to your department on a regular basis. Frequency is pre-negotiated based on the size and needs of the department. Our Full Service Package includes:

  • Bi-Annual Health & Wellness Screenings

  • Individual Physical Therapy & Performance Training Sessions

  • Group Performance Training Sessions

  • Work Hardening / Return to Work Assessments and Programming

Dr. Nick giving a presentation on tissue healing and recovery rates for active duty military members.

Educational Workshops / Group Training Sessions

Not ready to commit to a full-time program? Get a taste of what TAP has to offer by hosting a workshop for your department. Workshop topics are catered to each department depending on their goals and identified areas for improvement. Potential workshop topics include but are not limited to:

  • Mobility classes for shoulder, neck, back, hip, &/or knee pain.

  • Chronic Pain — What is it and what can we do about it?

  • Tissue Healing & Strategies to Improve Recovery Rates

Comprehensive Readiness Assessment

Return to Work Readiness Assessment / Work Hardening Programs

Have individuals struggling to get back to work due to injuries or limitations in their physical fitness / physical capabilities. Have a Tactical Athlete Performance specialist perform a comprehensive work readiness assessment and customize a return to work program to get each member back “Fit to Fight” shape and maximize your department’s readiness.

*All classes with incorporate mindfulness strategies, introducing the concept of “Sound Mind, Sound Body” and the importance of mental and emotional health on operational readiness.