Orthopedic and Sports Rehabilitation

Evidence based, high quality care delivered by a Fellowship Trained and Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. All treatments are one-on-one with your Physical Therapist for 1 hour. No handing you off to aides or technicians, ensuring you get the personalized approach that you deserve.

Orthopedic and Sports Rehabilitation includes but is not limited to:

  • Acute Injuries — Sometimes injuries happen. It is one of the known risks of living an active lifestyle. Having early access to a physical therapist to do a thorough evaluation and quickly initiate a rehabilitation program reduces your time to recovery and minimizes compensatory movement patterns.

  • Overuse Injuries — Repetitive movements such as lifting, running, and jumping can lead to common overuse injuries involving any combination of muscles, tendons, joints, and bones. This often occurs due to movement faults or compensatory movement strategies we develop to work around pain or mobility / strength deficits. Seeing a movement expert to identify the root cause of your symptoms will allow you to be more focused on your performance, not your pain.

  • Chronic Pain — Living in pain can significantly impact quality of life with your ability to participate in recreational activities, work, or even being able to get a good night of rest being difficult. You may feel like you’ve exhausted all options in the traditional healthcare model. But there is hope. We believe strongly that Movement is Medicine and that working one-on-one with skilled, patient, and caring providers who are able to guide you through a safe, progressive exercise program is the perfect way to finally get you back on the road to recovery!

Post-Operative Rehabilitation

After surgery, your road to recovery is just getting started. Physical Therapy is a critical element to your recovery.

Early emphasis of your care will focus on post-operative pain management and restoring joint mobility.

As your rehabilitation continues, the emphasis will be on improving muscular control, strength, and power of the surrounding tissues in order to restore normal function and return you to all of the activities you love to do in life.

Haven’t had surgery yet? Consider a pre-operative evaluation to improve your range of motion and strength before your surgery. Research has shown that maximizing your mobility and strength pre-surgery yields significantly better post-operative results!

  • Ankle Arthroscopy

    Ankle Fracture Repair Surgery

    Ankle Ligament Reconstruction

  • Hip Arthroscopy

    Labral Repair

    Total Hip Replacement

  • ACL Recontruction

    Meniscus Repair / Meniscectomy

    Total Knee Replacement

  • Labral Repair

    Rotator Cuff Repair

    Total Shoulder Replacement

  • Cervical Fusion

    Cervical Discectomy

    Lumbar Decompression

    Lumbar Fusion

Treatment approaches:

  • Manual (hands-on) Therapy

  • Individualized Therapeutic Exercise Prescription

  • Movement Optimization / Movement Re-training