Injury Prevention Services


Workshops covering a variety of training principles with emphasis on mobility, strengthening, and motor control strategies.. Workshops are customized each group and best suited for Crossfit gyms, Running clubs, or athletic teams / clubs (tennis, soccer, baseball, etc).


Thorough assessment of your current physical capabilities followed by customized programming to improve mobility, strength, balance, and power and reduce the risk of future injury.

1-on-1 Human Performance / Wellness Training


With extensive experience working with runners throughout the lifespan including military personnel, high school cross country athletes, and recreational distance runners, one of Dr. Nick’s passions is keeping runners hitting the pavement and logging as many miles as possible.

Running Services include:

  • Technology based running analysis.

  • Strength & Conditioning for runners to maximize performance and reduce injury risk.

  • Individualized Training Program for Distance Races (up to Marathon distance)


Sick of being told to stop working out when you see healthcare providers? Us too! Whether it is getting help with a specific lift or trying to improve your overall athletic performance, keep yourself in the gym, hitting PRs, and recovering faster than ever with our Crossfit tips / tricks programming!

Sports Specialist

Do you have a unique sport or hobby? No Problem! As movement experts, we pride ourselves in being able to quickly familiarize ourselves on the ins and outs of new movement patterns and love creating specialty programming to meet the demands of your activity. In the video above, Dr. Nick takes a common core strengthening exercise (Pallof Press) and modifies it for a professional waterskier!